Have you laughed today? Many health benefits can be obtained thanks to laughter. Laughter is not only good for the physical, but also brings a positive effect on one's mental condition. Stress because romance doesn't go well? Much work unresolved? Or is there a family problem? Whatever the case, try to laugh even if only briefly. Why are you laughing? In addition to the stress load that is lost, laughter also causes positive changes in the body. When laughing, our body releases endorphins which improve mood and reduce levels of stress-causing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. In addition, laughter is also able to: Reduces some physical symptoms of stress by helping relaxation and stimulating muscle circulation. Increasing the inhalation of oxygen-rich air and stimulates our heart, lungs and muscles. Activate and release stress response. When laughing and then silent, our heart rate and blood pressure will increase. As a result, we feel calm and relaxed. Not on...